Adventures, Maps, Monsters, & More for the Fifth Edition of the World's Greatest Tabletop Roleplaying game!

Every adventure we produce comes with a hand-crafted map that can be used in your VTT of choice or printed out for your table! Each map is designed to enhance your players' experience as they delve ancient ruins, repel boarders on a dwarven war ship, or battle their way through a demon-infested fortress!
We know what it's like to have to sift through the hundreds of adventures available on the internet. That frustration of just not having the right story to flesh out your campaign you've spent weeks writing? Yeah, we've been there too.
That's why every adventure in The DM Tool Chest is ready to be plugged into your campaign the instant it's in your hands! We are dedicated to building a strong community of players and GMs and will always listen to their needs. With adventures being released every week, and an existing library with hundreds of pages of content, you'll never run out of epic stories to share with your table!

HAND-CRAFTED adventures
custom maps

ARE YOU READY for an adventure?
We are able to create all of the amazing content provided each week due to the generosity of our patrons. With the help and support of our community, we will work together to forge new worlds, craft exciting new adventures, and continue to provide the very best in independently produced fifth edition content!
New Adventures Every Month - Each month we release a new adventure that ranges across 3 different levels of play!​​
Full Access to the Tool Chest - 100's of pages of PDF's of all released adventure modules and daily content
Poll Voting Power - Cast your vote on polls that will help us shape future content
Discord Channel - Join our discord channel and enter a community of hundreds of fellow players and game masters
All Previous Tier Rewards PLUS:​
New Content - NPCs, Monsters, Unique Locations, Magic Items & Spells, New Classes, Races, and MORE delivered every month!
VTT Tokens- Grab VTT Tokens and other exclusive content
50% Store Discount - Exclusive discount on all other content through our store (*coming soon*)

All Previous Tier Rewards PLUS:​
All VTT Files - Get ALL available VTT content (Maps, Tokens, etc.) for every adventure!
Bag of Holding - Get our monthly content bundled together for easy access every month, all in one downloadable zip!
Dungeon Master